Meet the Kiddos

So who are these children you might ask? Well there are 6 of them, here they are, introduced to you in order of their age, youngest to oldest :)

SOPHIE: My one year old niece! My brothers’ daughter Sophie was a surprise to her parents, who are not together, and to my whole family when we met her for the first time when she was 6 months old.  I have only met her a couple of times since we live a couple hours away from each other but I love her so much and cannot wait to watch her grow! She is such a beautiful girls and (as one of my friends described) a "funny bumpkin".

JACKSON: One year and one month old, Jackson is one of the boys that I currently nanny. He is a super sweet cuddler, loves to nuzzle and get kisses on his forehead. He is also very demanding and has a bottomless pit for a stomach! This boy is always hungry, and it is quite impressive as well as frustrating. At this point he can say a few words and is getting close to being able to walk on his own! He is the smallest kiddo of my group of 4 that I nanny for and so I often call him "My Small Fry", * Jackson is the little brother of Hunter.

KELBY: He will be two years old in less than a month! Kelby is another of the boys that I am currently nannying. Kelby is a very gentle hearted sweet and curious little fellow. I feel like every week he adds so many words to his vocabulary, his is such an exciting age! Something funny about Kelby is that even though he knows the names of lots of different animals, he chooses to call them by the the sounds that they make. So, a dog is an "oof oof" and an owl a "hoo hoo" and I recently learned that a shark is a "do do" (sang in the tune of the Jaws shark attack song).

ANDY: At the age of approximately two and a half, Andy is a numbers and letters super-star! This boy can count to about 30 and knows all his letters. But what’s crazier than is memory for these things is his ridiculous excitement about them! When we go on walks he wants to stop and read every license plate out loud, and loves to watch the digital clock change each minute. And he is such a sweetheart too! He is getting better and better at talking in sentences, but is best at repeating words and sentences that others say. Andy is another one of the kiddos that I currently nanny for.

ANNA: She is four and a half years old, and my best pal, my princess :) Before I moved to my current location, I lived with my parents and worked as a nanny there as well, and that is how I met Anna. This little girl is beautiful, brave, and a little bit wild. Her mother once referred to her as a "ragamuffin" and I think that perfectly fitting. Anna is very smart but has a definite communication issue. She has so much to say, but it is just so difficult to understand some of it. It breaks my heart that I can’t understand what all she has to say. But, in the year that I have known her I have seen improvements, and I know she will only get better and better at talking. Since I moved out of my parents’ house, I don’t see her very much. We talk on the phone sometimes which is great, and every time I am in town I make sure to see her (we like to go to church and then get hot cocoa :) But I do miss her very much.

HUNTER: The oldest of the four boys that I currently watch, Hunter is four years old. This young man has an amazing imagination and a knack for negotiation. Hunter is 100 miles an hour all the time and also quite the comedian. He loves starwars, legos (and starwars legos) forts and sports, playing store, and reading books. Hunter is naturally gifted at math and so curious about everything, *Hunter is the big brother of Jackson.  
 ***all kiddos names have been changed

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