Monday, December 26, 2011

First post ever!

Hello readers of my blog! Welcome to my first post ever! I started this little blog weeks ago but until now have yet to post anything. Pretty sure I am just nervous, I don't want to embarris myself with poor writing skills or something. Anyway, I am ready to face my fears and my shortcomings. I am thrilled that somehow you made it to Dandilion Song and that you haven't left yet :D So today is... well I guess yesterday was Christmas, and I am sad that it has tcome to an end. I love the Christmas season, and everything that comes with it, especially getting to spend time with family. I received nearly two weeks off work for Christmas and am home and staying with my parents. I have a younger brother and sister who live with my parents and so it is great to see them as well. My older brother brought little Sophie and Sophie's mom over for Christmas dinner. Now just in case you didn't read the "meet the kiddos section" my niece Sophie just turned 1 year old. She is such a precious little girl, and is growing so fast. I know it will get harder and harder to live so far aways from her and miss being regularly in her life. I remember after I found out about her I couldn't stop thinking about her. She is the first baby from any of my siblings, I love that I will know her for the rest of my life, that she will know and be a cousin of my babies some day, I will probably watch her get married. Sorry for the sappiness but I do love her so much. She has my brothers eyes. Someday maybe I will tell you more about little Sophie and how she came into my life, but I think I have said enough for now. Merry Christmas!